Safety Organiser for Web

worldSafety Organiser for Web takes advantage of the latest Microsoft.Net technology to provide a browser based package that can operate within your organization or across the internet. The program is modular based providing options for hazardous substances (COSHH), risk assessment, accident/incident reporting, audits/inspections and permits. The program is flexible enough to be hosted on a client server or on an EOA Systems secure website.

We can provide the software in standard specification or make modifications to tailor the program to your exact requirements.

Automated emails can be set up to send reminders to users of assessments requiring authorisation, due for review and actions that require completion.

Features exclusive to the web program include:-

  • Assessment Register – a single log of all assessments, accidents, audits and inspections for a specified user or location
  • Risk Register – risk assessments with a risk rating over a specified level will automatically be entered onto a register. The safety management team can then easily identify high risk assessments and take any action required prior to them being authorised.
  • Actions – all specific risk assessments and accidents store their corrective actions in a single database. It is therefore possible to view all outstanding/completed actions for a particular user or location.

For customers who have previously used our Windows program, it is possible to transfer data from the current Windows version into the new web program as an upgrade option.

  • Risk Assessment

    A detailed module to cover general risk assessments with optional regulation specific assessments covering confined spaces, display screen equipment, expectant/nursing mothers, fire, first aid, lifting operations, manual handling, noise, traffic management, work equipment, workplace, working at heights and young persons.

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    Substance Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) can be recorded and used to generate COSHH assessments. An assessment for the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres (DSEAR) is included.

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  • Accident Reporting

    Individual modules for recording and analysing accidents, incidents, near misses and safety conversations. Accidents and claims can be managed. Frequency rates can be generated and a range of graphical reports produced.

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  • Audit

    Detailed audits using your question sets, safety inspections and audit reports can be generated. Actions can be assigned and supporting documentation uploaded.

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  • Permit to work

    A database of contractors and inducted personnel can be managed. These are used to generate overall work permits and specific permits covering working at heights, confined spaces and hot work.

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  • Environmental

    A suite of functions for recording relevant legislation, aspects/impacts register, environmental improvements and incidents.

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